In English

At the Source of the Word

How Jesus found me

Watch a video where Martti tells his story - how Jesus found him. Interpreted in English.

Fear not

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32).

The Law of Love

A rich man ran to Jesus, kneeled down to Him, asking Him, “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17)

Mary's faith

“Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” (Luke 1:28). With these words, the angel Gabriel greeted Mary.

Who we are

Esikoiset ry is a revival movement that functions inside the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. The association was founded in 2016, but it continues the old revival movement tradition of the Firstborn Laestadians within the Finnish National Church.

It confesses the Holy Bible and the Lutheran Confessions. It wants to declare repentance everywhere and the remission of sins. The essence is that salvation comes through faith in the atonement of Christ. This leads to the birth of fruits of love.

The main activities of the association are weekly gatherings that are held in churches and homes in different towns. The larger gatherings are held 2-3 times per year. National gatherings are held at Easter and around All Saints’ Day. During the national gatherings, the schedule of the missionary journeys is decided.

Information about the times and places for the gatherings can be found on our web site Other activities consist of youth activities, Sunday schools for children and spiritual publications.

Another important focus is our missionary work. We have cooperated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria since 1989 both in Russia and in Estonia. Our missionaries serve in church services and devotional meetings as deacons, catechists, and as other servants of the Word. Camps and Sunday schools are, as well, an important part of the work. Missionaries are also sent to Germany.

Esikoiset ry contact information:

Information and requests for interviews Eero Nieminen, tel +358 50 554 1405.

Chairman Antti Pitkäniemi, tel. +358 40 033 6072.

Secretary, questions regarding membership Tapani Ansaharju, tel. +358 50 498 8990, email

Esikoiset ry's email address is



Recordings of the meetings with the interpretation of the sermon in:



