Sowing the Word of God


Jesus gave his disciples the task of bringing the message of the Gospel to the whole world. Today, the vast majority of our people belong to the Lutheran Church, which professes the Bible-based Christian faith that has been expressed in three old church confessions, as well as in the Lutheran confession. "We can ask ourselves and our neighbors: what kind of messengers of Jesus are we and how is this recognition of our Christian faith seen in our lives? How does a Finn of today know and believe in his Bible?


It is a great reason for thanksgiving thanksgiving thanksgiving that our country has freedom of religion and opinion. We, too, have a wide range of opinions about matters concerning our relationship with God. We would like to give Him instructions on how things should be treated and wonder when he is doing things completely differently than the instructions of ”little man.” . This is what the Lord says through His prophet: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways myways” (Isaiah 55:8).


Almighty God has revealed His will in His Word, which is unchanging through the end of time. It is also independent of the changing opinions of the masses and the flow of time. According to the Bible, God hates sins, but loves sinners so much that He has sent His only Son to save those who believe in Him. Jesus has called on His disciples to proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sin. God Himself gives faith to a person who is awakened by the power of the Word to feel that he is in himself evil, and he has transgressed against the will of God. Often, He also stops us, through difficult trials, to think about our smallness and the limitation of our lives. Jesus calls us with His word, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).


It is a great blessing that we are able to bring the message of the resurrected  Christ outside the borders of our country, according to His mission commandment. During this period, however, missionary work in accordance withthe Bible should begin in our own land, where the Word and Will of God has been abandoned by an increasing extent. Let us pray for a time of awakening for our people, that the Word of the Bible would guide the proclamation of the Word  and everyday life in our country.


Sakari Siltala